A Chance with Life Longevity

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4 minute read
Living life in today's world is challenging; from illnesses, and disparities to despair and premature deaths. Life is beautiful like a flower, it blooms and withers away. 

Our lives are determined by chance, when a chance is good we call it luck and when it's bad we call it bad luck.

Living longer is a matter of luck and manipulating chances to probabilities between life and death.

Life expectancy is a measure of premature death and it shows large differences in health across the world. Death is an unpredictable force of nature. Life and death are naturally governed by chance. The older we get higher the chance of dying. The longer we live, the longer we can expect to live.

Life Expectancy determines Life Longevity and it's affected by the following:

Life expectancy may be affected by the type of job, gender, age, lifestyle, genes, environment, good healthcare, and also insurance.

1. The kind of job or work a person performs determines the level of risk a person has to undergo, and that may affect health negatively or positively.

2. Gender and genetic factors
also contribute to life longevity, it's believed that women live longer than men due to a difference in body fats and stress control.

Women are said to have better stress control than men and hence, this gives them a higher chance of handling depression, post-trauma disorders, and so on due to differences in hormones when compared to men.

3. Age.
The greater the age higher the chance of living longer.

4. Healthy lifestyle.
Exercise may add time to life. Healthful behavior can increase life span. A study shows that elderly people can live longer now because of being careful with their lifestyles.

5. Health care and Life Insurance.
Having reliable Health services, and health and life insurance determines a person's longevity. Also, personal medical conditions and family medical history may contribute to longevity.

Risk behaviors such as drug abuse, alcoholism, promiscuity, and smoking are the most harmful behaviors that claim the lives of the youth generation at a huge rate.

We wish to live longer, but we find living shorter lives and unfulfilled dreams and plans.

Major causes of premature deaths in the 21st century.

Infectious diseases such as respiratory diseases like flu, tuberculosis, etc. Also, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, and Malaria in developing and developed countries in the 21st century are the second major leading causes of premature deaths.

Also Chronic diseases such as peptic ulcers, hepatitis B and C as well as non-infectious diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and cancers.

Major reasons for life longevity in the 21st century may reduce and manipulate the chances of premature deaths.

Increased awareness of leading killer diseases largely contributed to a commitment to addressing and manipulating the chances of severe impacts on the lives of millions of people globally.

1. Advancement in medicine
that reduces the long-term burden from Infectious diseases like vaccines and improved disease detection methods, knowledge, and facilities.

2. Reducing maternal mortality and child mortality rate.

3. Prevention of non-communicable diseases such as cancers, diabetes, etc by leading the path to a healthy lifestyle; like exercise, proper diet, stress control, and so on.

4. Economic growth and Improved living conditions, reduce the rate of infectious diseases in both developed countries and developing countries.

5. Traditional Health Care Aspects 
encourage Healthy lifestyles and social structures that help people to make networks that bring them together against stressful situations, low self-esteem, and irresponsible behaviors such as drug abuse, and laziness as well as preventing suicidal thoughts.

Generally, understanding risk behaviors that may affect our lives and longevity as well as acting to minimize the probability of a short-lived life is a secret to manipulating chance in favor of good luck. 


Arai H, Ouchi Y, Yokota M, Ito H, Uematsu H, Eto F, Oshima S, Ota K, Saito Y, Sasaki H, Tsubota K, Fukuyama H, Honda Y, Iguchi A, Toba K, Hosoi T, Kita T; Members of Subcommittee for Aging. Toward the realization of a better-aged society: messages from gerontology and geriatrics. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2012 Jan;12(1):16-22. DOI: 10.1111/j.1447-0594.2011.00776.x. PMID: 22188494.

Bezy, J. Marie (2023, January 16). life expectancy. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/life-expectancy

Sebastiani, P., Solovieff, N., Dewan, A. T., Walsh, K. M., Puca, A., Hartley, S. W., Melissa, E., Andersen, S., Dworkis, D. A., Wilk, J. B., Myers, R. H., Steinberg, M. H., Montano, M., Baldwin, C. T., Hoh, J., & Perls, T. T. (2012). Genetic signatures of exceptional longevity in humans. PloS one, 7(1), e29848. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0029848

Anthony S. Fauci, Infectious Diseases: Considerations for the 21st Century, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 32, Issue 5, 1 March 2001, Pages 675–685,

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Thank you for reading!

  1. Wow, I need to start taking better care of myself!

  2. Always a good reminder to take care of ourselves!

  3. Thanks for sharing this with us! Take care of you!

  4. I never thought about life and death that deeply, im surprised that someone was able to elaborate on it with such elegance and refinery.

    Keep up the good work, im a daily reader now

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