We daydream and get nightmares, we see the image we wish to build. The image of success and achievement. It's a symbolic meaning behind our daily struggle in this empty life. Riding the Image Through Waves of Imagination is Building it.
Image and Value
Image building can be associated with creating internal quality through external reflection. Quality is linked with content while external reflection is the form or appearance.
The image of pride and values, versus the images of weakness and strength. The images of complexity and simplicity as well as the images of wisdom, health and longevity, and knowledge all come in different shapes as long as creativity and imagination take effect.
The image and its quality are philosophical meanings drawn from content and form. The emptiness reflects the absence of quality. The quality and content go together as we try to build our images in form of brands, integrity, and how we are perceived by society.
Our lives are empty unless we manage to build ourselves from the small pieces of our failed dreams. The image of love, the image of beauty, the image of trust, the image of hope, and endurance come naturally. We can paint or draw it and shape it as we live.
We can also take a camera and take a photo of an image. But, building the image involves taking steps towards proving the worth of quality in the public eyes and values of standards.
By diverse means, life manifests along with our personalities and the environment we found ourselves. Enabling our dreams to flourish as images built on the rocks of hustle and bustle. Taking important steps in public image building may involve addressing issues that matter to the public interest.
The image keeps us busy. Imagined and creatively built with the resilience of yielding passion, it's the image of a prize. Paying the price by taking time, energy, and effort to ensure it comes to fruition.
Every time I imagine the image I wish to be, I get the picture of the symbol I have to create. It's the song I have to compose. It's the sound that takes the shape of the image I care about. It's a metaphor for self-image.
The intrinsic sophistication of the connection between selves and their mirror portraits is a complexity brought about by social background, history, and respective undertakings, facts to substantial rooms of oblivious absence, indefinitely, and ontological mystery.
Looking at the face of a blown dream, I can imagine the image left behind it. It's the image that waits to be painted into reality. Like anyone I try to build the image I desire.
Images can be built or destroyed by what we do and care about on daily basis
- When we help people we build our images.
- When we make people suffer we damage our images.
- When we speak the truth we cement our images.
- We brand ourselves by doing the right thing with quality to reflect the image of value.
- We become an image that symbolizes good when we do better to improve our people and society.
- By imagining life with positivity and spreading motivating quality of worthiness, our images reflect and affect those around us.
Our society is built on the image of values it reflects. It's a natural and insincere depiction of reality. Some societies choose an animal to represent with. Some do represent themselves with a lion, eagle, wolf, bear, sheep, giraffe, bull, buffalo, shark, crane, and so on.
While others find pride in the images of animals and birds others find pride in the images of trees like humans, also images of natural forces such as tornadoes, flowing rivers, clouds, thunderbolts, and many more.
We are lost in our images most of the time. We think and care so much about the shadow of ourselves leaving behind the pictures of our very images crumbling down in pieces.
It's the images of self-reflection and pride that depicts individuals like stars, the sun, the moon, the sea, rocks, and mountains. The landscape of the image comes in different shapes that suit the symbolic meaning behind it. It is the personification of the images of female nature when we imagine a beautiful city.
We do nothing except improve our images or allow them to control us. The image can take control of our lives if we don't accept who we are naturally. It's the image that creates the shadow we care about the most.
The shadow lives if only the image has a light that shines on it. The image needs light to produce the shadow. Building an image takes the light of the mind to imagine. The perfect image is an effect of imagination and creativity.
Most importantly, When we build a house, we build an image of a home. When we build a home we build our image. When we build our people we build a family. When we imagine we trace our dreams into the future.
Kozlova, Marina. (2021). City image as a personification of female nature in “The Dead [City of] Bruges” by Georges Raymond Constantin Rodenbach. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. 27. 106-109. 10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-106-109.
Hausdorf, M. (2024). What You Get Is What You See—The Mutual Relationships between Images of Human Nature and Business Model Innovation. Sustainability, 16(3), 1332. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16031332
"The Strategy of Brand Building ." My Way: The Eight Strategies of Air China Towards Success. Retrieved March 21, 2023, from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/international/international-magazines/strategy-brand-building
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