I said I can't take a picture because I am ugly,
She said she's good looking neither.
I could smell I was stinking,
She said she smells good neither.
She said she stinks because the world stinks,
I said the world is not fair to me either.
I breath and sneeze dusty air because the road I took is rough,
I can't sit near her,
She said she had a rough journey too.
I sleep on a hard dusty earth because it's the only bed I can afford to get,
She said she's happy it's the only bed she can sleep on and have peace.
For all those years the air had been too cold to withstand,
Too harsh and deep to the young bones of my cheeks,
It's years now since my soul tasted warm words.
My cold hands warmed my cold cheeks,
As my soul sobbed malads of my unforgiving misfortunes,
Her words warmed my hands for my cheeks and eyes to lean on.
They were whispers of the unseen soul,
Echoing from the corners of my troubled soul.
Copyright © by D.W.Kadete
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